Monday, January 1, 2018

End of Term

Golly, where did the time go? I just checked my last blog update for our family and it was back in October! Say what?! 

We've had a busy few months during our first term back to school, including mid-term break. Let me catch you up!

Karate Kids

AJ and Paisley are fully digging their senseis and martial arts class. Both have successfully integrated into the dojo and love the work ethic and team structure involved. It's literally two blocks from our house and several of the attendees are from their school, so it was easy to make friends and crack on!

AJ did his first grading (testing for your next belt) in the classroom with Sensei Mary as we weren't sure what a mass grading would be like for him. He passed with flying colors and received his certificate and matching "Red Belt". We thought exposing him to a proper grading via watching Paisley have a go would be a great way of introducing the environment and expectations. Needless to say, he was all over it and kept asking when it was his turn to demonstrate his skills. Sensei and I both felt he would be ready for the next grading, and he was! 

I am now the proud mother of two "Red/Black Belts". Paisley, of course, is already chasing her next belt and has been practicing her press-ups (push-ups) every day on Christmas break. She is up to 10, but not consecutively. She has to pause at 3, 6, and 9. She needs to be able to do 5 in a row. Her technique, however, is spot on. Considering her butt was as tall as she was and her push-ups consisted of head bobs at first, we've come a LONG way! 

She just received her jump roping badge for 3 sets of 10 jumps in a row and has her eye on a trophy for box splits. She has a work hard attitude and I love it! 

AJ earned his turning badge and is also perfecting his jump roping skills. He finally figured out the motion of the jumping as the rope swings around, but he stops to celebrate after each individual accomplishment. I dig his enthusiasm!


As I said last year, Halloween isn't a big to-do over here. It is slowly catching on and you definitely see a presence hit the stores via costumes and trick-or-treat necessities, but it continues to be a holiday that several Brits despise. 

That being said, we went all out this year. I love Halloween! Next to Christmas, it's my favourite holiday. I found a fun corn maze and family-oriented Halloween-themed outing for the kids and me to do while Aaron was working. It was half-term break after all and the kids and I needed out of the house. 

These two were inseparable the whole time.

I took them to Millets Farm just up the road and boy did we have a ball. There was a witch hat hunt along the spider infested forest. That's not too far from the truth! Britain is full of those creepy eight-legged little monsters. 

AJ, however, is a keen admirer of arachnids and has a vast collection of authentic-looking specimens. There is not enough Cadbury for me to even cope.

This spider is about the size of the one I found in my crochet basket not long ago. I may be able to stop highlighting my hair soon as each one brings me a few new white streaks! YIKES!

 During our goblin hunt, we managed a few more fun photos!

We hit the sand pits on our way back and the kids loved being diggers and tow trucks. AJ even remembered "safety first". Make no mistake though, the little one with the binky was the one in charge of the build! 

When it came time to celebrate the joyful holiday, we dressed to impress! The girls and I went this year with the theme of Sleeping Beauty. Paisley was most definitely first in line to accept the role of princess, and Channing and I were left with the supporting roles of Maleficent and her raven. 

 Celaya's hit the Cotswolds

Since the day we moved here, I have seen signs for the Cotwold's Wildlife Park. I knew I would have to take AJ there at some point. We had a zoo membership back home in Colorado and attended at least once a quarter...minimum, sometimes once a month in the spring and summertime. 

AJ brought along his bag of animals for our adventure and managed to display each one readily as we toured the wildlife preservation. Each one accompanied by their sound, of course. 

 This place is amazing and if you haven't been yet, you should go. It's a huge park with lots of ground to stretch your legs and take in a real-life atmosphere of animals roaming. Fields are vast and open and the animals are obviously loved. 

I could have gone for a tad bit more fencing between us and some of the animals, but AJ would have to disagree. He was loving the exposure!

Although AJ loves ALL animals, he certainly has his favourites and rhinos are definitely one of them! 

Paisley, on the other hand, loves anything small, soft, and cuddly. If she can pet it, she's in!

We think Channing is following in the footsteps of her big sister. We laugh about how similar they are becoming. Channing is just Paisley, the sequel. 

We spent our entire day here and I am not even sure if we saw everything. That's how BIG it is! On top of all the animal exhibits, they have a sweet playground, too. We can't go back soon enough. 

Fireworks in November?

If you are a lover of large firework shows, then Guy Fawkes Day is for you! (And actually all days leading up to and a few days afterwards.) What can I say, the Brits loves FIREPOWER and man can they put on a show! 

We are so lucky to live in the neighbourhood that we do, because the largest show in Abingdon is directly behind where we do martial arts! The two older kiddos and I bundled up and headed out for a night of majestic bright lights illuminating the night sky and fresh hot mugs of delicious mint hot chocolate. 

All Things Birthday

I turned the big #33 this year and asked for three things: an Apple iWatch, wireless Beats earbuds, and a trip to the Bath Christmas Market. 

Aaron delivered on all three and then some. Here's our family headed to the historic city of Bath to take in the iconic "Best Christmas Market" in England. 

You can't hardly drive in and around Bath in a big van like ours so we found a convenient car park nearby and took a 20 minute shuttle ride into the city centre. The kids and I stood by taking in the glorious holiday displays up in every store front window while Aaron got his bearings. 
The kids were getting peckish, but every vender was pushing a queue a mile long. Did I mention this is the biggest Christmas market in the UK? Everyone from everywhere was there! We decided truck food was out and M&S cafe was in. Chocolate cake for the win!

The market was decidedly a bust. I don't know what it is, but I don't find them that exciting or even that robust with good things. Every vendor seemed to be pushing either some type of mulled or pressed liquor or ratty and tattered accessories from some other country. I had settled on buying a Christmas ornament to mark the occasion, but couldn't even find one worth spending a couple quid on! Yuck! 

The Abbey on the other hand was remarkable. We will most certainly be returning to Bath to see the inside of this beautiful cathedral and the actual Roman baths from which the city gains its name. 

Another high point of the evening was the enchantment of the snow making machine. My kids haven't seen snow in over a year so when they spotted fresh flurries falling from the sky, they literally stopped in their tracks to dance around in it and catch a few flakes on their tongues. 
It's so funny to me. These kids have no idea what they've seen or taken in during their short time living abroad. I am so grateful to be giving them these enriching experiences so early on in their lives. 


Do you B-E-L-I-E-V-E?

I am the activities coordinator at my church, which means that all the party happenings fall to me. This year's Christmas party has been on my mind literally since 10 December, 2016 around 10 p.m., the hour after the previous holiday festivities. 

Have you seen the Polar Express? Do you love it? I love it! My husband hates it. 😂

In the story of the Polar Express a young man is deciding whether or not he believes in Santa Claus. His belief is signified by his ability to hear the ringing of a jingle bell. I took that principle and applied to our belief in the Saviour, Jesus Christ. 

I wanted to transform the chapel into a railroad station where folks could board there "trains" and eat a cozy meal. Afterwards, they would arrive at their destination of the North Pole and enter Santa's home for a story, hot cocoa, and cupcakes. The big man would of course visit and deliver gifts to all the girls and boys and testify of his love of the Saviour.  

I had some serious help from my good friend, Elaine, and together we made the evening everything we wanted it to be. Check out our pictures of a night along the Polar Express!

Christmas Staycation

We had some visitors from the north come down and spend a few of their vacation days with us. My dearest friend, Susannah, and her family moved here in August and we have been able to get away to see each other twice now. It's so awesome. We were half a world apart and now just a 5 hour drive. Google says 3.5, but when in Britain...

We traveled to Waddesdon Manor and walked the grounds. It was cold and wet as usual, but we still managed a fun afternoon at the National Trust site.


Aaron and I took the kids to another hot spot in our area known as the Bassildon House. It is another home in our membership that is free to us to go and explore. It was stunning and full of different themed Christmas trees!

We also found another ruined fortress close by called Donnington Castle. We decided to take a stroll on Boxing Day rather than fight the crowds for sale priced items. The kids have a book reading challenge during term break; take as many photos of you reading in cool places as you can. Challenge accepted!

I got a new iPhone for Christmas and have really enjoyed the new camera options for taking photos of my kiddos. Look out 2018, my new phone and I are going to capture every moment we can. 

Those Pesky Resolutions! (She said with a wink.)

If you know me, you know I am goal setter and a goal crusher. I love New Year's Day and the idea of starting fresh and starting over. It is the perfect time for reflection, hot washing, as my hubby likes to call it. It's a time to check out our successes, relish in them; check out our failures; learn from them. 

It's a time to acknowledge what we like about ourselves and ask "How do I maintain this?". Some might dream of what they want to be and ask "How do I get there?" It may also be the dreaded "How do I change this?".

For me, it's all the above and everything in between. I live for change and I live for continuity. It's how I become the best version of myself. 

I gave myself some pretty sizeable goals last year. I got off to a late start and began striving for them the first week of February. I can honestly say it's the first time I have ever kept at something consistently for an entire year! You could have probably guessed it by now if you're an avid follower of the Celaya crew. Yes, it's my running and my fitness journey. I know, super cliché, but it's true. I am faster and stronger than I've ever been and it's dang exciting. 

I've already set new goals for the new year and want to share them, a. because when you're excited, you want to shout it out to anyone that's listening. and b. because it will help keep me accountable. 

So here goes: 

1. 5 pull-ups by Christmas; I've never done 1! 😬
2. Another half-marathon someplace fun, shouldn't be hard to find!
3. Drink more water, because duh!
4. Read 500 books to my kids; we are avid readers!
5. 24 books for myself, that's 2/month! I didn't reach this goal last year, petered out at 18.5...
6. Help my kids eat more fruits and vegetables. Do potato crisps count? 🙈
7. Can a girl get a date night? More than 2 dates a year, hubs! Team effort, here! 
8. Read my scriptures cover to cover by December 31st. Boom!
9. Be more present with my kids. "In a minute" is a coined phrase around here. 
10. The power of "No!" I am a "yes man" as they say in the military. I am going to exercise the right to say no once in a while and give myself a break from chaos. 
11. And lastly, BLOG!!!! Once a month! My blog got away from me this year. I definitely made time to do it, but it was very sporadic. I enjoy it so much; I need to make time to do it more! 

Whatever your goals are, write them down. Next, write down sub-goals to those goals. Finally, create a battle plan and get after it. 

See you in 2018,


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